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The Origins of Venetian Trade Beads

The roots of glass-making in Venice date back to Roman occupation around the 5th Century; sheets of molded glass primarily used for windows in public bathhouses. Over the centuries, artisans combined techniques developed by the Romans with knowledge gained from

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Posted in African Trade Beads, Venetian Trade Beads

The Monetary Value of White Heart (Hudson Bay) Trade Beads

Much is written about the significance of beads as a medium of currency during the trade era, but, what isn’t quite so clear is how much they were actually worth to tribes such as the North American Nez Perce. We

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Posted in Glass Beads, Hudson Bay Trade Beads

African Trade Beads: Telling the Story of Gogo Grandmothers

The plight of African orphans is something all of us are painfully aware of. But, while it’s sadly true that many orphans in Ghana, Malawi and the Sudan are forced to make their own way in life, there are parts

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Posted in African Jewelry, African Trade Beads, Kakamba Prosser Beads